248 | Back to Chapultepec

1979 | Mexico City

Here’s another old ‘“extra” Kodachrome. Over the years, it has been difficult to edit those things in their little cardboard mounts with the nifty bundle-loader on my vintage Carousel projector, or on a wonderful modern LED light panel. Inspection and comparison felt awkward and inconclusive to me. So I’ve been scanning the “maybe” slides one at a time and trying to see what might truly be there.

This one turned up recently, a context view of the family group I < posted earlier >. It has really grown on me; now it strikes me as much more than an establishing shot.

▹ Most of us discarded our out-take transparencies early on, as they always seemed to get in the way. Unique among artists, the brilliant Bob Matheny (1929-2020) came up with this solution. Flabbergasted, I bought the piece.